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Intergate Logistic
Membru Gratuit
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Intergate Logistic
Rating si Pareri
0 stars: Fara rating 10 pareri
#3996 din 3996 de Companii din Transport
Membru Gratuit din 2011
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Intergate Logistic Intergate Logistic 0033164856106 7 rue Montespan, Evry, -
Produse si servicii

french transport-spedition services in Paris area, specializing in car's transport on European market

Tipul companiei


Piata de desfacere

Europa Centrala/Est

Nr. angajati


Despre noi
Suntem prezenti pe din 2011!
Intergate Logistic is a French company based in the Paris area, created by a corporation and an association of professionals in international shipping.
We are an independent, private and specialized in auto transport.

Intergate Logistic works for professional and private customers from all over Europe who have punctual or permanent needs for transporting cars throughout the Europe.

Intergate Logistic makes it a priority to create a loyal, serious and professional partnership with its customers.

We deal with every customer with great attention, regardless of size or need to develop long-term partnership.
Din Gura in Gura